Tag Archives: Indoor Voices

03.17.2015 — “Still” by Indoor Voices

Indoor Voices

If you only listen to one song tonight, make it “Still” by Indoor Voices (2012, from the EP Indoor Voices/).

Indoor Voices is a dream pop/shoegaze/post-rock quintet from Toronto. It started as a pop-oriented solo bedroom recording project for Jonathan Relph. Today, the band is a five-piece with lots of dreamy, atmospheric stuff going on. They released a full-length album Nevers in 2011 and followed that with two EPs in 2012. They have a new EP coming out later this year. I’ve heard a couple of the new songs, and they’re great. However, I’m really in love with this song from the self-titled EP. They brought a lot of friends in as guest performers on the EP, and on this song, they borrowed vocalist Catherine Debard from the Montréal experimental synthpop/dream pop/krautrock band Sally Paradise. I’ve never heard of that band, and I had never heard of Indoor Voices until a couple of days ago.

This is that song:
“Still” by Indoor Voices

I’m reminded, oddly, of the newest My Bloody Valentine record. It’s wavy and melty with coed vocal harmonies, tape loops and bright effects. It sounds like a combination of live drums and drum machine. It’s more artistic than noisy. Their amps probably go to eleven, but they know that just because you can turn your amps to eleven doesn’t mean that you have to.

I love everything that I’ve heard by this band, and I hope that there’s more brilliance to come in the very near future.

You can get all of the Indoor Voices releases through the bandcamp page. Their new EP Auratic will be out later this year.